Learn the basics of Foil (Maiden)
Foil (Maiden) is what? The basic features of the foil together, find out!
Foil (Maiden) is a raw material used in printing, ink is coated with a special iridescent colors show through the ALUFIN ferrous (aluminum). This emulsion ink printing presses two processes is hot pressed and cold pressed
Hot stamping foils
One of the main advantages of hot stamping foils (heat press) is the plastic deformation of the substrate to produce the effect on substrates such as three-dimensional, felt as palpable and only foil (emulsion) new ferrous show be without a ferrous inorganic or organic, regular express …
Cold stamping foils
Cold stamping foils unneeded printed forms or call the zinc mold, complete and stage work can be done in one go on the machines with the maximum production speed, this is the economic advantages that the foil cold brings …
KURZ famous brand that for over 100 years in the areas of research & development Foil (Maiden) of Germany. Had been announced at the University of Bergische shows the development of this field.